What’s the biggest difference you found between Taiwan and the U.S. ?

According to my opinions, the biggest difference I found between Taiwan and U.S. is the way people act to others.

Americans always like to make friends. They seldom feel embarrassed to open mouths and say something even just for greeting such as “Hello” ,”Hi” ,”How are you?” and so on. The people there are nice to visitors and are also eager to give their hands to help them. As I have mentioned, they are fond of making new friends, so no matter you are a stranger or not, the Americans would always be nice and friendly to you if you talked gently to them. Moreover, the Americans are very open-minded as well. They would not be stingy to show up what they have not only the material objects but also the performance or presentation. For example, if there is a banquet or a party alike that needs someone to go on the stage for bringing better atmosphere, a volunteer would instantly appear and then makes some actions or even says some funny jokes to bring happiness to others.        

However, although they are friendly and nice as everyone knows, sometimes, some of them may be a little bit rough. They might be perfunctory if the issue didn’t catch their senses.

Compare to American, the way people in Taiwan act to others are more weaken. Taiwanese always treat coldly to strangers they first meet. They would care more about whether they should talk to them or not based on the strangers’ appearances, clothing and the feelings they bring to others. As the result, people don’t open their mouths easily and that often makes foreigners confused. Why the people here treat others so coldly and they don’t greet to strangers? It’s easy right?That’s because Taiwanese are more care of their outer part. They afraid to put themselves into an embarrassed situations, they choose not to say anything and keep silent. Taiwanese are shier and they may not be as active as American people. But the advantage of them is that they could protect themselves better. They think twice before talking to strangers and that could just avoid them from some dangers.

All above are just some of my opinions between America and Taiwan . Even though the way they produce to others is different, that’s just the result they have developed based on their various lives and cultures.

                                                                continue on~


the day we visited MIT


We visited Kennedy's museum.

the one stood biside me was my friend, Tiffany.  


the other one was also my friend, Jubilee.


They were James and Charles.(One was from Tainan and the other was born in Boston. )


our R.C.s Olivia and Nadia.


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